
ShellShock - Ch. 45

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Shell Shock

Denny and Leila
Rating: PG-RG
Warnings: Ratchet/Azimuth. Violence.
Disclaimer: We value our lives too much to even dare think about claiming Ratchet and Alister as our own. We borrow them for an RP, so don't worry. [Put the Wargroks back into your cage!]
Summary: Everyone's nightmare is to wake up in a cold, dark place without a clue where one is. Sadly, that's what's happened to us.  What's even better, we have monsters and weird encounters to endure as well. And then there's them…
Lucky, right? If I ever get out of here, I will need some therapy sessions.

Chapter 45


The Shifter rubbed its temples as it stared at the screens viewing the battle site. The two Loving were on their way, and so was the Lombax. A deep sigh left it; only a little bit more until they would reach a point of particular meaning. Whether it was a good or bad point was up to the one who perceived it.

I cannot wait for this to be over, it quietly thought, When this is done, I will have to resume my additional tasks. Not that there was much to do; the other Shapeshifters were beyond its guidance, and the few who had remained needed no such help. The… irregular guard it overlooked. It seemed like it was no longer disturbing the course of actions, even though it had noticed peculiar things with the Superior. At many times it would find its leader in a mellow mood; whenever it was with its so-called Precious, both would be sickeningly contented; and when apart, they were still linked in a way the Shifter could not understand. It even remembered one instance when the guard had been unwell not because of a physical impairment, but because the Superior had felt damaged from a faulty entity it had taken in. it was a connection Shapeshifters did not share with each other normally. So what was this phenomenon?

A low click made it spin around on its heels. Eyes widened, brows narrowed. “What are you doing here, guard?”


His hands prickled in fire, his legs were of lead. The little blue heart pulsed under rhythmic, increasing beat on the virtual screen behind his visor. He swallowed thickly.

This is it.

No going back now.

As if there ever was.

“Keep your ears sharp, Ratchet. The Loving will be coming any time soon.”
Clicking indicated that Lawrence was preparing possible intervention measures. ”As you know, two are going to come now, and sadly, it’s not a violation of the rules.”

And why didn’t Nefarious think about that part? He’s been scarily competent these last few days, after all.”
The Lombax replied with a humorless chuckle.

”That is… my fault.” Lawrence paused. ”But thanks to my mishap, the general is still alive. You are just sitting out the consequences for him now.”

There was silence – until Ratchet winced at a loud noise inside his helmet. Tossing his head around, he noticed it was his own unsettled breathing. He swallowed around another rock.

“Please tell me their current locations.

… And has… Alister come around?”

“They will arrive in approximately 5 minutes. As for the elder, I fear he has left the communication center again.”
The robot paused. “Oh, before I forget: I checked the archives and realized that the Loving really love old-fashioned music at times. Odd, no? You would think that they would be all for the rage of the scene.”

“I’d be happy if they liked it all the time and wouldn’t change their taste at all. Would spare me a lot of trouble.”

”In their defense, music is not something where you should love the same thing all the time forever. I know from experience.” He chuckled lowly at the memories past, but quickly regained his composure. ”Either way. Prepare for contact.”

A few moments later two Shapeshifters floated into the room. Unlike the prior guards, they seemed to favor emphasizing their unique traits rather than aligning to dress codes as Ratchet had seen with the other ranks; and by Orvus, he had not missed that condescending, belittling smile on their faces…

“I can’t stand them already.” He watched them wearily, tilting his head with a frown. If they really had no weakness, emotions notwithstanding, this battle would end in a disaster.

My, are you getting this fight somewhere. Shut. Up.

Giggles tore him out of his thoughts. The Loving were coming closer, inch by inch. They did not feel any haste, nor did they seem like they wanted to make this a short fight.

Or they were waiting for the Lombax to make the first move.

And remember how well that went the last time.

“Ratchet, stalling won’t help either way. You don’t want them to make the first move.”

“Given my luck, I’m damned either way.”

“True, but at least that horrible waiting will be cut short.”

The Shapeshifters looked at him. One of them was waving a finger, almost as if to say that he should hurry up already. Were they expectant of his plan or was there a different reason for that?

It almost as if they’re begging to be ignored. – Seriously, you have to be childish now?

Well. He certainly had had his chance to start – and before he knew, they had changed the shape of their hands to batons covered in jags. Two seconds later they had almost reached him already, lashing out –

An ugly screech echoed through the room, sparks flying. Ratchet snarled without heat, holding three batons away from his body with his wrench, the fourth caught in the wrench’s head.

Childish maybe, but at least my reflexes keep working.

Before he could continue with his train of thought, though, one baton changed shape and almost pierced his helmet, had he not thrown his head back and evaded the attack – and so it was only part of his protection that was damaged. Nonetheless, this reminded him that the Loving were anything but fair fighters. He had to get his distance now.

He had to pull his left leg back as a zap of energy zapped for his feet. Both Loving had raised their forefingers, the one left its right, the right its left, perfectly mirroring each other in the rest of their pose as well. Heat bit his right thigh and he backflipped several times.

”Lanky you are,” they commented, “Lovely indeed. Just as charming when you were running away from us.” They giggled, eyes glowing brightly as they floated closer. ”You rushed us into the electricity fence. A stunning experience we would love to thank you for.”

“I’m sure you do.” They had been that crazy beast? Were they masochists or what? All the other Shapeshifters had always retaliated for the pain inflicted on them – they on the other hand had enjoyed being electrocuted, as their smile had shown.

”We would like to express our gratitude by making quite the special offer.” Finally they retracted their claws, licking off the trail of blood on their fingers. A shudder, and they giggled in delight. ”We know why you’re following that dreadful doctor. You want to get out of here, but you don’t know how since we Shapeshifters are… hindering you in your endeavor.”

“You have nothing you could or would give to me.” He smiled without humor, drawing out his Constructo Pistol. What a joke! An offer by Shapeshifters.

”We could escort you outside.” The Loving looked at him calmly with an honest smile. ”Defend you against the Superior and its little pet servants… And make sure you leave the facility alive.”

That expression slapped him across his face, more than the offer, reeling back from the pair.

“What the fuck are you telling me?! Am I supposed to believe this shit when all you and your kin did was hunting and trying to kill me?!”

“That was them, not us.” The Shapeshifters leant on each other, casually brushing their hands against their chests to clean them. ”True, we hunted you. We were the ones rushing you towards that convention room – but things have changed. We don’t agree with the way things are led right now. So if we can deal a little blow and dent the Superior’s pride, it’s worth it.” A short pause. ”Besides, it’s not like we were seriously trying to kill you. Except for that defunct Jealous, perhaps, but all the others? Mh, we wonder…”

“Not intending to kill you. That is… strange.” Ratchet heard the frown even across the communication link.
Or he would have heard if his brain would have been paying attention to the robot.

“It really didn’t seem like you wanted anything different than kill my companion and me.” He snarled.

”Perception is always different depending on the one who views it.” The Loving pushed a hair appendage out of their face. Their feet tapped onto the ground in an even rhythm. ”But let me assure you, we have never intended to kill you so long we could keep up a plausible façade of hostility. If you had laid down your weapons and waited for us to behead you, then you would have died. But since you fought, such an act wasn’t necessary to keep up the pretenses.”

“This is getting bizarre. As unpredictable the Loving are, they have never displayed such behavior.” Lawrence furiously cross-referenced any source of contact with the class anyone had had in past, shuddering as pulled up his own case.

“You’re not making any sense! Why would you only pretend to want to kill me!” If only he had a RYNO! That would be probably enough to make them shut up, if only by the missiles’ explosions drowning out even the thoughts in his head.

”That’s classified, but no longer of our concern. We are simply fed up with that entity on the top. It lost its touch.” A low sigh left them at this. ”I’m sure your surveillance systems noted the decline of Shapeshifters on the radar. Let us just say there have been differences in opinions.” They shook their heads lightly.
”But here is what we offer. We don’t want the Superior to have you, so we are offering to escort you outside – against a small service in our favor.”

“And what would that favor be?” Scrap it, why had he let this conversation go so far? Was he that desperate for no fighting that he was ready to listen to the most dangerous class of his enemies?

Besides, there is something different that is also fishy about this. Just what?

“Kill the doctor. That’s all we’re asking for.”
The Loving licked over their fingers, eyes gleaming as if they imagined the liquids running through Nefarious’ body on them. ”Kill him, and we’ll make sure you’ll make it out alive. Both you and the elder.”

A screech mingled with hisses clawed through the communication device. Ratchet’s jerk at it was hidden by his same reaction to the ‘favor’ the Loving asked.

“I hope you weren’t- aren’t even considering their offer.” Ice dropped from Lawrence’s voice down Ratchet’s spine and his hands clenched at the open hostility the butler transmitted. “Believe me – no matter the unpleasant things the Shapeshifters can and will do to you, my actions would come at least close to their cruelty if you even think of-”

Ratchet tuned the volume down.

”Well? What is your answer?” The Loving crossed their arms and looked at him quietly. ”It’s a simple favor. We want his head. He debased and humiliated us, and what’s even more important, isn’t he a huge threat to your galaxy as well? We hear he is quite wanted as a criminal. You would get two benefits from one action. One simple action.”

“I can’t believe you think this would be an easy decision.” That bitter smile again. “If you really knew in what a situation I’m in. The situation he and I are in, and what your kind has done to us.”

”What is tying you down then?”, they asked him, “Is it some stupid contract? A warped promise? Or perhaps do you feel like you are in debt to your arch nemesis for allegedly offering you protection?” The Loving stepped closer. Was the ground shaking under their touch? ”It is a lie. The doctor cannot protect you. He cannot even protect himself much longer – eventually, he will fall. And, trust us when we say this, if he does, you will too.” They looked straight into his eyes. ”We are merely offering you the option to evade that fate.”

Lawrence’s voice rang in his ears. There was a distinct notion of anger in his words, almost as if he could not believe that Ratchet would even consider listening to them for such a long time. ”If you dare lay a single digit on Nefarious, I will make you feel every single damage you inflict a tenfold. Do not even consider taking their offer, do you understand?”

All three voices were cut off by a row of explosions, followed by the screech of metal scratching over metal, the roar of a shapeless beast, crackling electricity.

“You talk too much.”

He didn’t care about Lawrence’s threat. He didn’t care about the Shapeshifter’ offer. Either option would screw down Alister and him and the universe into hell, if of different sorts. As of now, one evil was bigger than the other and that he would take care of.

Before the Loving could even move to retaliate, one more sound followed, this one different than every other before it. It wasn’t a cacophony despite the many lights dancing and-

Their eyes turned dim. Initial hostility fell off them, and it was not much later that they had sunk to the ground with their attention directed at the Lombax singing softly to the melody of the Groovitron.

“There's a part of me you'll never know,” he started, taking one step towards the Shapeshifters. Hands were laid across each other on his chest, looking down. ”The only thing I'll never show.”

Quietly he watched the two entities. He would not let them get the better of him, never. ”Hopelessly,” he continued, palm stretched out as if to invite them closer, ”I'll love you endlessly. Hopelessly,” he stepped aside as he felt a tremor shaking the ground. Apparently they had not yet been completely intoxicated, fighting against the effects – a sharp, thin blade emerged from beneath. ”I’ll give you everything.”

Cautiously he placed a hand on the blade, well knowing that it was part of the guards. ”But I won’t give you up,” he sung calmly, carefully resting his forehead against its weapon, ”I won’t let you down.” Fingers lined the finely engraved signs on the blade as he stepped away for a moment, only to come close once more and letting his breath brush over its surface. ”And I won’t leave you falling,” He pressed his palm down on the sharp edge; a few drops of blood trailed down the blade as he searched the Shapeshifters’ gaze, smiling faintly.

”If that moment ever comes.”


”He is… doing well.” The Shifter mused quietly to itself, well aware that the Superior’s Precious had settled down beside it by now, and that the doctor could hear him. ”Quite well, in fact.”

The guard shuddered, not at the Shifter’s words, but the Lombax’s actions. That detachment, how he willfully hurt himself, even if only a little, how calmly he was now approaching the Loving… It was wrong. The Lombax shouldn’t be like that. It was too much like a Shapeshifter.

It winced as if burnt. Where were these thoughts coming from?

Nefarious expression of annoyance at having microphones hidden everywhere in the room in vain fell to a smirk as Ratchet did a little side-step in front of the Loving which they followed as if magnetized.

”He is fooling them quite… knowledgably. As if he knows exactly what he needs to do for this.” The Shifter paused briefly. ”Oh. I see. You must have asked the singer to instruct him. Now that I think about it, those movements are quite familiar.”

“A singer tried to kill the Loving? Or were their intentions of a different nature?”

A strange, alienating sound echoed in the communication center. Was it laughter from the Shifter? No, it sounded too amused to be real, or did it? It let its thoughts continue to be heard by Nefarious. ”No, the singer would never be able to kill them. He does not have the necessary experience or sentiments to do such a thing. But he did try to escape once, didn’t he…” The entity mused quietly, only to hear an agitated “WHAT?” from the scientist.

”Is something the matter, Doctor?”, it asked quietly.

”Nothing,” was the gritted reply, ”Someone is just going to get one hell of a punishment for this insolence--”

”That is ill-advised if I may say so.” The Shifter let its fingers tap against each other, the sound reminding him of metal meeting. A slight, almost unnoticeable sharp edge pierced through its thoughts. ”He might be more valuable than you think.”

“Yeah, to be a pain in my circuits,” was the dismissive answer; he gestured to Lawrence behind him who, suffering with a sigh, took note of that on his personal computer.

”I do not believe harming your employees is beneficial to your research, Doctor. If anything, it would be detrimental.” The Shifter looked to the camera feed, letting out an affirmative sound. ”But either way, it seems like we are coming to a close with the little performance.” Ratchet was now almost at the Loving, only a step away. The song was almost over too.


“But I won't give you up, I won't let you down.”

The world was swimming. Floating. Swaying. Colors flashed, fell away, were replaced, took their place again, the pattern maddening. The Loving were watching his every move now, rapt, mouths slightly open, eyes glazed. Ratchet drunk in the sight, feeling the power he had over these creatures. It was intoxicating.

Just a bit closer.

In the back of his mind, a silent voice was telling him he shouldn’t get ahead himself. He hadn’t even thought about choosing a weapon.

They reached out for him, hands searching for his grasp. A low, relieved sound left them when he returned the gesture, letting them gently embrace him; A shriek erupted from one as sharp claws rammed into the sides of its neck and head.

“And I won't leave you falling.” The song continued calmly. Ratchet stroked the gagging Loving’s cheek even as he twisted the blades clockwise. The second Shapeshifter began trembling but didn’t move to lift even a hand against the Lombax. They were still staring adoringly up to his green eyes.

Another shriek. Violet and magenta mass sprayed and pooled beneath the kneeling guards as it ran down their bodies. He raised his other arm, the orange glow of the Shapeshifter’s eyes mixing with the color of his razor claws--

A pained yelp left the Lombax as his limb was jerked upwards violently. He gasped when he realized the entities’ blades had turned into an unbreakable restraint, only to have his head turned back towards the Loving who had risen up and now held his chin firmly in its grasp. A playful grin was on the Shapeshifter’s face as it let him read the words off its lips.

But the moment has long passed.

The distance closed – and before long, all Ratchet could feel was an endless feeling of numbness.


Lawrence wisely turned off the audio between the monitor room and the room where the Shifter was.

“Fine. Dandy. Perfect!” The monitor shook and sputtered with a static for a second as Nefarious slammed on the console. “YOU DAMNED IDIOT WERE SUPPOSED TO GET JUST ONE THING RIGHT. ONE THING!”

“Calm down, Sir.” Lawrence stepped away, just to be safe. “Screaming is not going to help you, and neither will it help the Lombax.”

“Those damned Loving!” The other robot didn’t act as if he had heard him. “I admit the squishie had a good run despite his annoyance. But now those two vile creatures are still alive! This is not acceptable!”

“Don’t lose your composure, Nefarious. Of course, if you want to short circuit, be my guest, otherwise remember that this was the best we could prepare--”

“Then the best is NOT ENOUGH!”, the doctor screamed furiously and rammed his fist against the monitors. Eyes flickered in deep red as he almost had a short circuit; but before that happened, he pulled his hand back, fingers leaving deep gashes in the coating of the screen.  “I want them dead. I want them to be squashed under that Lombax’s foot and to feel every single sliver of pain in this world. So NO, the best is not enough!” The robot’s body tensed up as he recalibrated his processes. “Not after what they’ve done to you.”

A short glance revealed to him the butler grasping at the portable computer and staring at him, stunned. “I… I see.” Lawrence cleared his voice processors and turned away. “But still. Is there anything within our means to help him?” He turned to the monitors. The Loving had already immobilized Ratchet and took a moment to compose themselves… they had to do something soon, and fast.

“I could intervene, but that would allow them another use of their powers at full force in the next fight. But…” Red optics narrowed. “It doesn’t seem as if we have much of a choice. And seeing how few Shapeshifters are left now, it might be time now that we step up our game.”

”No need.”

The robots blinked at the sudden voice echoing through the communications room. It was from the secure channel, one that Ratchet and—

They snapped their heads back into the direction of the monitor’s feed, only to see that the Loving had been catapulted to the side by a wrench. White fur with red stripes appeared on the screens; blue light flashed as Nanotech packs were crushed on Ratchet’s numbed body – and as he looked up, Azimuth let a challenging smirk mock the Shapeshifters writhing on the ground.
It's time to up the game.

Ratchet singing is... in retrospective... weird. XD But the idea seemed good at the time. Ah well.

Time to get onto a bumpy ride!

C&C welcome as always! /o/


Ratchet/Lawrence/Unknown - ~Priestess-Shauni
Azimuth/Nefarious/Loving - =chinara

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did ratchet just rick-roll me?